Knowledge Base

How does the City process new Storm Drain requests?

The City investigates new requests or complaints for storm drains to see if the situation is the city’s responsibility or if Public Works can do minor work (i.e. - ditches, berms, or short runs of pipe) to service the complaint.


If the situation is determined to be a major project, the proposed storm drain will be programmed for design within the Stormwater Management Division. Once preliminary design and cost estimates are completed, the project is prioritized as to the need and funding availability. As projects reach the top of the priority list and funds become available, final plans and specifications are prepared and the project is bid for construction.


The entire process may take six months or longer, depending upon the construction priority that the project receives after the preliminary engineering design is completed and available funds. Funding for storm drains is generally made available through the city’s normal budgeting process.

Updated 9/22/2014 5:07 PM
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