Knowledge Base

Why is there a stormwater fee?

Roanoke citizens already pay taxes, why do they need a Stormwater fee? Like all other urbanized areas in Virginia, Roanoke is bound by law to proactively keep Stormwater pollution from entering creeks, streams, and the Roanoke River. The resources needed to operate and maintain the Stormwater drainage system, as well as to comply with legal requirements and citizen expectations, amount to several million dollars annually. Without a dedicated source of funding, meeting these important community needs would compete for funding with schools, public safety, and other critical local government services.


On November 18, 2013, Roanoke City Council adopted a Stormwater Utility Ordinance. The Stormwater Utility fee became effective on July 1, 2014 and is dedicated to three objectives: capital stormwater projects, and increased maintenance of stormwater infrastructure, and compliance with current and emerging Federal and State environmental regulations with respect to water quality improvement.


The Stormwater Utility fee will be included as a separate line item on future real estate tax invoices that are mailed during the fall and spring of each year and will be phased-in over a three year period. As such, the fee for this first year will be $0.30 per 500 square feet of impervious surface per month, $0.60 for the second year, and $0.90 for the third year. Property owners have the ability to apply for credits that can reduce the Stormwater Utility fee.

Updated 9/22/2014 2:29 PM
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