Knowledge Base

Alternatives to Bagged Leaf Collection

Alternatives to Bagged Leaf Collection:

  1. Use the cheap, easy and environmentally friendly method of dealing with fallen leaves – weekly - Mulch-Mowing. Leaves that are mowed will seemingly disappear as they filter into the turfgrass canopy. This easy process eliminates many hours of raking, bagging, and hauling leaves to the curb.
  2. Construct a Compost Bin on your property and use those composted leaves in your garden or flower bed next year adding organic matter and reducing the need for fertilizer applications.
  3. Call a local Lawn/Landscape Contractor and have them remove your leaves
  4. Utilize Roanoke Valley Resource Authority (RVRA) located at 1020 Hollins Road. RVRA's Residential Disposal Policy allows 12 free visits per year. Bagged leaves or loose leaves using a 3/4 -ton pickup truck or small trailer (less than 8-foot and loads must be covered). Visit for details
Updated 9/15/2014 3:23 PM
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